Please note: this website is currently in the process of being moved to www.tongariro.org.nz/taupo-eec so some information may be missing or out of date, you can find our latest 2025 calendar of events there.
We have brought together a range of Taupō environmental education providers so that we can provider better services to schools and our community. Through our collaboration we learn from, support, and build on each others' success, together providing better environmental education for students of all ages across the Taupō District.
Our purpose
With respect to fostering environmental, sustainability and wellbeing outcomes within our rohe, we aim to:
COLLABORATE amongst local organisations for effective mahi;
CONNECT to real life educational opportunities;
EMPOWER students, teachers and communities; and
DEVELOP rangatahi to be kaitiaki/stewards and decision makers.
Scroll through the slides to learn more

Whanau Nature Day
Weaving harakeke flowers
Tongariro South Domain 2019
📷 T DePetris

Whanau Nature Day
Searching for microplastics
Tongariro South Domain 2019
📷 K Nowak